Click here for the HUHSD Final Exam Schedules: Fall 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
HHS Choir presents "A Festival of Carols" Dec. 17
The Hanford High School Choirs will present "A Festival of Carols" at 7 p.m. December 17 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center. The concert will feature the Women's Chorus, Men's Chorus, Advanced Women's Ensemble, Chamber Singers, and soloists. Please join us for this festive Holiday evening! Admission is $5.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Hanford High Bands present "Sounds of the Seasons" Dec. 11
The Hanford High School Jazz Band and Concert Band will present their "Sound of Seasons" holiday concert at 7 p.m. Dec. 11 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center. Admission is free, but donations are welcome.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
HW Band and Color Guard: Season Results
Caruthers Fair Parade
1st Place Band
1st Place ID Unit
1st Place Drum Major
3rd Place Color Guard
Big Fresno Fair Band Review
2nd Place Band
2nd Place for Drum Major
Music Sweepstakes
Visalia Band Review
1st Place Band
1st Place Drum Major
2nd Place ID Unit
Selma Band Review
1st Place Band
1st Place Drum Major
1st Place Color Guard
Field Show
1st Place Band
3rd Place Guard
Pismo Beach Band Review
1st Place Drum Major
3rd Place ID Unit
3rd Place Color Guard
Music Sweepstakes
Parade Sweepstakes
Central California Band Review
2nd place in Class
Jazz Band
1st Place in Class
Field Show
1st Place Field Show
1st Place Drum Major
3rd Place Percussion
3rd Place Color Guard
Grand Sweepstakes combined score of parade and field show
Events upcoming:
Winter Jazz Showcase 7 p.m. Dec. 9 Stratton Tarvin Presentation Center
16th Annual Dinner Dance and Silent Auction featuring Run 4 Cover! March 1 Civic Auditorium
Purchase tickets online at
~ Lisa Butts HW Band Director
Monday, December 2, 2013
SAFETY UPDATE: High schools are back in normal session
Important safety update for our parents and families:
11:40 a.m.
All of our high schools are in the process of returning to their normal daily schedule following a safety "lock-down" at all Hanford Joint Union High School District Schools this morning.
11:40 a.m.
All of our high schools are in the process of returning to their normal daily schedule following a safety "lock-down" at all Hanford Joint Union High School District Schools this morning.
All of our high schools were placed on "Secure Campus" status at about 9:45 this morning following a vague online threat of gun violence.
Following an investigation, police and school administration have determined that it is safe to resume normal school activities. Students will be released from the secure campus status and return to their normal class schedules.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation. I know we all share the highest concern for the safety of our students and we appreciate the continued support of our families and community.
- William Fishbough, Superintendent
10:08 a.m.
This morning, we received a report of an unconfirmed threat of potential gun violence at one of our schools.
This morning, we received a report of an unconfirmed threat of potential gun violence at one of our schools.
As of 9:45 a.m. all of our high schools are on "Secure Campus" mode - students are safe in their classrooms with school staff and we are working with police to investigate the threat.
Schools will remain on "lock-down" until we are certain there is no threat to student safety.
Please do not attempt to enter school grounds during the lock-down. Please also help us keep phone lines free during this emergency.
This announcement is also being sent to all HJUHSD families via phone. We will post and send another message as soon as there is any change.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
- William Fishbough, Superintendent
- William Fishbough, Superintendent
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Hanford West Book fair is Dec 2-6
Friday, November 15, 2013
SP Exhibition Hoops: Wrestling vs Basketball
Who will be the last Bears standing when the Sierra Pacific High School Wrestling and Basketball teams face off on the basketball court November 22? Join us at the SP Gym to find out! Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for students.
- Freshmen: 5:30 p.m.
- Junior Varsity: 6:30 p.m.
- Varsity: 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
HH Book Reading Oasis: A Cool Place to Discover Hot Books!
A Cool Place to
Discover Hot Books!
Hanford High School Library
Nov. 12 through 18
7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
HW Band Take-out dinner: Nov 22
The Hanford West Band will host it's annual take-out dinner fundraiser from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. November 22.
Dinners are $10 each and include seasoned roast, buttery rice pilaf, Portuguese green beans, roll w/butter, and a cookie. It will be wrapped up to go and all you need to do is drive up behind the HW cafeteria and pick it up. Tickets are available by contacting Lisa Butts at
Dinners are $10 each and include seasoned roast, buttery rice pilaf, Portuguese green beans, roll w/butter, and a cookie. It will be wrapped up to go and all you need to do is drive up behind the HW cafeteria and pick it up. Tickets are available by contacting Lisa Butts at
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
2nd Annual Hanford Band Showcase is Nov. 6
See and hear the bands from Hanford High School, Hanford West High School and Sierra Pacific High School perform their field shows at 7 p.m. November 6 at the Jacob L. Neighbor Bowl. Admission is free!
Monday, November 4, 2013
HHS Drama Presents: Steel Magnolias, Nov 6-9
This play, by Robert Harling, is based on the close knit relationships between six extraordinary women. Through friendship and love, these women endure the storms of life’s unpredictable events.
Performances will begin at 7 p.m. November 6 through 9 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center.
Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for students and are available from the Box Office window at 6:30 p.m. on show dates or by calling 583-5902 ext. 8495 or emailing
Friday, October 25, 2013
HHS Band Turkey Dinner is Nov. 5
HHS Band Annual Turkey Dinner is back! Please support the Hanford High School Band and Color Guard by buying our Turkey Dinner Take Out. The take-out dinner will be 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Nov. 5 at the HHS Cafeteria. Dinner tickets are $10, which includes Raven's turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce and a roll. Tickets are available through October 31 by contacting Janet Levine at Thank you for your support!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
HW presents scenes from Les Mis
Thursday, October 17, 2013
SPHS Fall Concert is tonight!
The Sierra Pacific High School Choral Music Department will host a Pre-Festival Fall Concert at 7 p.m. tonight at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center. The concert will feature the Concert and Men's Choirs, Women's Choir, and Chamber Singers. We hope you join us for a fantastic evening of choral music. Admission is FREE!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
HH choral presents fall concert Oct 15
The Hanford High School Choral Music Department will host a Fall Concert at 7 p.m. October 15 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center. The concert will feature the Women's and Men's Choruses, Advanced Women's Ensemble, Chamber Singers, and featured soloists. We hope you join us for a fantastic evening of choral music. Admission is $5.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
SP Book Fair is a "Reading Oasis"
Sierra Pacific High School will host the 2013 Scholastic Book Fair October 7 through 11 at the SPHS Library. The Book Fair will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily. This year's theme is "Reading Oasis: A cool place to discover hot books."
Friday, September 27, 2013
Are you going to the Dog Bowl?!
The Junior Varsity game starts at 5 p.m. and the kick-off for the Varsity game will be 7:30 p.m. Gates open at 3:30 p.m. for spectators.
As part of event security, all guests will be subject to search by the Hanford Police Department upon entry. Spectators are advised to allow extra time as they plan their arrival.
For those not planning on attending, the game will be broadcast live on KFRE CW 59. Additionally, the game will be streamed live by the HHS student production team on the NFHS Network.
If you have any questions, please call 583-5902.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
SPHS Parent Information Regarding Viral Meningitis
Sierra Pacific High School
Michele Borges, Principal | Eric Wyand, Learning Director | Kathleen Salyer, School Nurse
(559) 583-5902 ext. 4027 | (559) 583-5912 | FAX (559) 583-5914
1259 North 13th Avenue Hanford, CA 93230
Parent Information Regarding Viral Meningitis
Dear Parent or Caregiver,
There may have been a possible case of viral meningitis in one of your child’s classroom. Viral meningitis, also called aseptic meningitis, is an infection caused by a virus. It can cause an infection of the covering of the brain and spinal cord (meningitis). People usually recover fully. It is more common in children than adults, and usually occurs more often in late summer and early fall.
What parents must do
Please don’t panic. Most cases are isolated, and people who have contact with an infected person may have no symptoms, or mild symptoms such as a cold or rash with a low-grade fever. Monitor your child for symptoms. Keep your child home if he/she has any symptoms and call your physician. There is no treatment other than supportive care (rest, fluids, and pain relievers).
What are the symptoms of Viral Meningitis?
Fever, headache (usually severe), nausea, loss of appetite, stiff neck (pain or discomfort when trying to touch the chin to the chest), irritability, photophobia (discomfort when looking into bright lights), confusion, drowsiness, seizures, coma
How is it spread?
Direct contact with respiratory secretions: an infected person coughing or sneezing in someone's face sharing eating utensils, food or drinks with an infected person.
How you control it? Hand-washing, coughing and sneezing into elbow, proper disposal of tissues, avoid touching face with hands. If your child has any of the above symptoms, call your health care provider for direction.
If you have any questions, you may call your child’s school or the school nurse at the numbers above.
Información para los padres acerca de meningitis viral
Estimados padres o cuidadores,
Puede que haya habido un posible caso de meningitis viral en una de las clases de su hijo. La meningitis viral, también llamada meningitis aséptica, es una infección causada por un virus. Puede ocasionar una infección de la cubierta del cerebro y la médula espinal (meningitis). Las personas generalmente se recuperan por completo. Es más común en niños que en adultos, y por lo general se produce con más frecuencia a finales del verano y principios del otoño.
Que deben hacer los padres
Por favor no asustarse. La mayorÃa de los casos son aislados, y las personas que tienen contacto con una persona infectada puede no tener sÃntomas o sÃntomas leves, como un resfriado o un sarpullido con fiebre de bajo grado. Supervisen a su hijo para los sÃntomas. Mantengan a su niño en casa si él / ella tiene algún sÃntoma y llame a su médico. No existe otro tratamiento que no sea la atención de apoyo (reposo, lÃquidos y analgésicos).
¿Cuáles son los sÃntomas de meningitis viral?
Fiebre, dolor de cabeza (por lo general intenso), náusea, pérdida de apetito, rigidez en el cuello (dolor o molestia cuando trata de tocar el pecho con la barbilla), irritabilidad, fotofobia (molestia al mirar luces brillantes), confusión, somnolencia, convulsiones, coma
¿Cómo se contagia?
Contacto directo con secreciones respiratorias: una persona infectada tose o estornuda en la cara de alguien compartir utensilios de comida, alimentos o bebidas con una persona infectada
¿Cómo controlarla?
Lavarse las manos, toser y estornudar en el codo, eliminación adecuada de pañuelos usados, evitar tocarse la cara con las manos.
Si su niño tiene cualquiera de los sÃntomas arriba mencionados, llame a su proveedor de cuidado medico para indicarle que deben hacer.
Si tienen preguntas, pueden llamar a la escuela de su niño o la enfermera escolar al número indicado arribe.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Kings County College Night 2013 is September 12
Kings County College Night 2013
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Lemoore High School Event Center
All HJUHSD Juniors and Seniors
are encouraged to attend this FREE event!
Visit with college and university representatives
from all over the western United States
as well as military recruiters.
Lemoore High School
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Join us for Back to School Nights!
Parents, students and families are invited to the 2013 HJUHSD Back to School Nights:
Hanford High School
Back to School Night
6 p.m., Wednesday, August 28
Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center
HHS Online Calendar
Earl F. Johnson
Back to School Night
5:30 p.m.
Thursday, September 5
EFJ Online Calendar
Back to School Night
6 p.m., Wednesday, August 28
Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center
HHS Online Calendar
6 p.m., Wednesday, September 4
HW Event Center
Back to School Night
5:30 p.m.
Thursday, September 5
EFJ Online Calendar
6 p.m.
Wednesday, September 11
View or scubscribe to the
to keep up with all the latest events and activities.
Monday, August 26, 2013
HJUHSD Online Gradebook for 2013-2014 is now active - with NEW LINK!
The HJUHSD Online Gradebook (Parent ABI) is now active for the 2013-14 school year.
The Online Gradebook allows parents and students to access student grades, attendance and other information from any internet-connected computer with your personal login credentials.
Please note that the web address of the Online Gradebook has changed!
Please visit the NEW LINK to login to your account:
You can also visit the Online Gradebook Portal and Instructions from HJUHSD Online by clicking on "Online Gradebook" on the menu on the left.
To create an account, please follow the "New Users" Instructions.
After your account has been created, you will receive an email with instructions on how to set-up and access your account. If you do not get this e-mail, please check your Spam/Junk Mail to see if it has been blocked.
If you already have an account, you can login to the Online Gradebook with your email address and password. If you forget your password, you can use the "Forgot your Password?" link on the Online Gradebook login page to reset your password.
For families without internet access, computers are available at each HJUHSD school to access the Online Gradebook. Internet access is also available at local Family Resource Centers. We hope this service will help improve communication between school and home and serve as a useful tool for parents and families.
If you have any questions, please email: (Please include your student's full name, school, grade, date of birth as well as your own full name.) OR call:
The Online Gradebook allows parents and students to access student grades, attendance and other information from any internet-connected computer with your personal login credentials.
Please visit the NEW LINK to login to your account:
You can also visit the Online Gradebook Portal and Instructions from HJUHSD Online by clicking on "Online Gradebook" on the menu on the left.
To create an account, please follow the "New Users" Instructions.
After your account has been created, you will receive an email with instructions on how to set-up and access your account. If you do not get this e-mail, please check your Spam/Junk Mail to see if it has been blocked.
If you already have an account, you can login to the Online Gradebook with your email address and password. If you forget your password, you can use the "Forgot your Password?" link on the Online Gradebook login page to reset your password.
For families without internet access, computers are available at each HJUHSD school to access the Online Gradebook. Internet access is also available at local Family Resource Centers. We hope this service will help improve communication between school and home and serve as a useful tool for parents and families.
If you have any questions, please email: (Please include your student's full name, school, grade, date of birth as well as your own full name.) OR call:
- Hanford High: Cathy Hatfield, 583-5902 x3122
- Hanford West: Christine Lee, 583-5903 x3128
- Sierra Pacific: Sonja Thomas 583-5912 x2002
- Earl F Johnson: Irma Montano 583-5904 x7000
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Power restored: Classes back in session tomorrow!
Power has been restored at Hanford West High School and Hanford Adult School. Classes at Hanford West will resume normally tomorrow, Wednesday, Aug. 21 at 8:55 a.m. Classes at Hanford Adult School will be on their normal schedule tomorrow.
HW and HAS closed; all other schools open
Due to a continued power outage, HANFORD WEST HIGH SCHOOL and HANFORD ADULT SCHOOL will be CLOSED today: There will be no school for students or staff.
Hanford High School, Sierra Pacific High School and Earl F. Johnson High School DO have power and will be OPEN as usual.
Power is expected to be restored later today and school to be in session tomorrow. Principal Darin Parson will keep HW students and families updated via phone and internet.
Because of the power outage, phones and internet services throughout the district may be unreliable this morning. If you cannot reach your school by phone, please try again later today.
Thank you for your patience.
Hanford High School, Sierra Pacific High School and Earl F. Johnson High School DO have power and will be OPEN as usual.
Power is expected to be restored later today and school to be in session tomorrow. Principal Darin Parson will keep HW students and families updated via phone and internet.
Because of the power outage, phones and internet services throughout the district may be unreliable this morning. If you cannot reach your school by phone, please try again later today.
Thank you for your patience.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Welcome to the new school year!
HJUHSD 2013-2014 classes start August 15! We are excited to welcome back all our teachers and students and families and we wish you all a great start to the new year.
First Day Bell Schedule
(HH, HW, SP) - AUGUST 15. 2013
7:35 Bell Rings
7:45 - 8:25 Homeroom (40/5)
8:30 - 9:14 Period 1 (44/5)
9:19 - 10:03 Period 2 (44)
10:03 - 10:16 Break (13/5)
10:21 - 11:05 Period 3 (44/5)
11:10 - 11:54 Period 4 (44/5)
11:59 - 12:43 Period 5 (44)
12:43 - 1:23 Lunch (40/5)
1:28 - 2:12 Period 6 (44/5)
2:17 - 3:01 Period 7 (44) (383)
Click here for REGULAR BELL SCHEDULES and the NEW Bell Schedules for Earl F. Johnson and Hanford Night Continuation.
You'll see some new improvements at our campuses this year, as well as a few new faces, including a new Administrator of Alternative Education, Heather Keran, and several new teachers:
First Day Bell Schedule
(HH, HW, SP) - AUGUST 15. 2013
7:35 Bell Rings
7:45 - 8:25 Homeroom (40/5)
8:30 - 9:14 Period 1 (44/5)
9:19 - 10:03 Period 2 (44)
10:03 - 10:16 Break (13/5)
10:21 - 11:05 Period 3 (44/5)
11:10 - 11:54 Period 4 (44/5)
11:59 - 12:43 Period 5 (44)
12:43 - 1:23 Lunch (40/5)
1:28 - 2:12 Period 6 (44/5)
2:17 - 3:01 Period 7 (44) (383)
Click here for REGULAR BELL SCHEDULES and the NEW Bell Schedules for Earl F. Johnson and Hanford Night Continuation.
You'll see some new improvements at our campuses this year, as well as a few new faces, including a new Administrator of Alternative Education, Heather Keran, and several new teachers:
- Emily Fuller, Science, HH
- Stacie Burnett, Special Education, SP
- Rochelle Mederos, Ag, HH
- Drew Hernandez, CTE, HH
- Vanessa Tucker, Science, HW
- Matthew Wilkes, Science, HH/HW
- Sarah Hess, Counselor, EFJ
- Kevin Odell, Music, SP
- Martin Carvalho, Business, HH
- Douglas Pitkin, English, HH
- Rosario Sanchez Mayoral, Spanish, SP
- Jaime Anderson, English, HW
- Yvonne Contreras, Science, SP
- Kristen Noble, Math, HH
- Salvador Arredondo, Spanish, HW
- Ami Abbott, English, HW
- Amanda Shoffner, Ag, SP
- Jennifer Asaad, Special ED, SP
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Hanford West Walk-Through August 5 and 6
Click here for more details.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Schedule: Finals Week
HJUHSD students will be taking their final exams this week. Classes will end at 12:15 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. See the full Finals Week Schedule for more details.
Monday, June 3, 2013
It's graduation week!
Congratulations to all of our graduating seniors and their families! We are very proud of all of our graduates and we look forward to dignified, enjoyable and memorable events for all of our commencement ceremonies.
Hanford Adult School
June 3
7 p.m.
Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center
Earl F. Johnson High School
June 4
7 p.m.
Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center
Doors open at 6:15 p.m. All guests must have a ticket to attend except children 5 and under. Seniors will receive 10 tickets each. No additional tickets will be available. No coolers, backpacks, signs, noisemakers, etc. will be allowed.
Hanford High School
June 6
8 p.m.
Jacob L. Neighbor Bowl
Admission is by ticket only with the exception of children under 5, who may attend without a ticket, accompanied by an adult. Graduates will receive 14 tickets each at the rehearsal on June 3. No additional tickets will be available. SPECIAL SPEAKER: Dr. Jospeh Castro, a 1984 graduate of HHS and newly appointed President of California State University, Fresno will offer the commencement address for the HHS Class of 2013.
Hanford West High School
June 7
8 p.m.
Jacob L. Neighbor Bowl
Gates open at 6:15 p.m. Each graduate will receive 13 tickets at the June 6 graduation practice. (In the case of inclement weather, the graduation will be moved into the gym. Each graduate will also have two blue tickets that will admit one guest each into the gym for the ceremony.) There are no extra tickets available for the ceremony. Every person attending the ceremony must have a ticket for admittance. Graduates will be able to tell guests which side of the stadium will provide the best view of him/her during the ceremony. Coolers, backpacks balloons, signs, noisemakers or other disruptive items will not be allowed. Guests are asked to remain in their seats for the entire ceremony and not to enter the field area until after the ceremony is completed.
Sierra Pacific High School
June 7
6 p.m.
SP Gym
Every person attending the ceremony must have a ticket. Each senior will receive nine tickets about 2 weeks prior to graduation. Out of respect for other guests, signs, flowers, balloons, noise makers, etc will not be allowed. Graduates should be dropped off or park in the softball complex parking lot and will report to the cafeteria. Guests may park at the softball complex, in the COS lot the gym parking lot or the front of the school.
Contact your school for more information about specific commencements.
Hanford Adult School
June 3
7 p.m.
Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center
Earl F. Johnson High School
June 4
7 p.m.
Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center
Doors open at 6:15 p.m. All guests must have a ticket to attend except children 5 and under. Seniors will receive 10 tickets each. No additional tickets will be available. No coolers, backpacks, signs, noisemakers, etc. will be allowed.
Hanford High School
June 6
8 p.m.
Jacob L. Neighbor Bowl
Admission is by ticket only with the exception of children under 5, who may attend without a ticket, accompanied by an adult. Graduates will receive 14 tickets each at the rehearsal on June 3. No additional tickets will be available. SPECIAL SPEAKER: Dr. Jospeh Castro, a 1984 graduate of HHS and newly appointed President of California State University, Fresno will offer the commencement address for the HHS Class of 2013.
Hanford West High School
June 7
8 p.m.
Jacob L. Neighbor Bowl
Gates open at 6:15 p.m. Each graduate will receive 13 tickets at the June 6 graduation practice. (In the case of inclement weather, the graduation will be moved into the gym. Each graduate will also have two blue tickets that will admit one guest each into the gym for the ceremony.) There are no extra tickets available for the ceremony. Every person attending the ceremony must have a ticket for admittance. Graduates will be able to tell guests which side of the stadium will provide the best view of him/her during the ceremony. Coolers, backpacks balloons, signs, noisemakers or other disruptive items will not be allowed. Guests are asked to remain in their seats for the entire ceremony and not to enter the field area until after the ceremony is completed.
Sierra Pacific High School
June 7
6 p.m.
SP Gym
Every person attending the ceremony must have a ticket. Each senior will receive nine tickets about 2 weeks prior to graduation. Out of respect for other guests, signs, flowers, balloons, noise makers, etc will not be allowed. Graduates should be dropped off or park in the softball complex parking lot and will report to the cafeteria. Guests may park at the softball complex, in the COS lot the gym parking lot or the front of the school.
Contact your school for more information about specific commencements.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Scholarship Night is May 21
Seniors from Hanford High School, Hanford West High School and Sierra Pacific High School will be honored at the HJUHSD Scholarship Night at 6:30 p.m. May 21 at the SPHS Event Center. (Seniors should check in by 6:15 p.m.) Congratulations to all of our scholarship winners!
Monday, May 6, 2013
May is for Music: Don't miss these spring performances!
Don't miss your chance to catch these spring musical performances ...
The Percussion Ensembles from Hanford West High, Hanford High, Woodrow Wilson Jr. High, and John F. Kennedy Jr. High will perform at 7 p.m. May 6 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center. Admission is free, but donations are welcome!
The Hanford High Jazz Band and Concert Band 2013 Spring Concert will be at 7 p.m. May 9 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center. Admission is free, but donations are welcome!
The Sierra Pacific High Jazz Band will host A Night of Jazz May 10 at the SPHS Cafeteria. Ticket includes pasta dinner and performance by the SPHS Jazz Band and Jazz Combo. Tickets are $10 for Adult Dinner & Performance, $6 for Child Dinner & Performance, $5 for Performance Only and $10 for To Go Dinner. Contact Mr. Detlefsen at or 559-583-5912 x2551 for tickets.
The Hanford West High Band Spring Concert will be at 7 p.m. May 16 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center.
The Sierra Pacific High Choirs will host a night of "Chart Toppers" May 16 at the SPHS Cafeteria. Come enjoy some of your favorite songs from the past decades. Ticket includes pasta dinner and performances by the Sierra Pacific Choirs and soloist. Tickets are $10 for Adult Dinner & Performance, $6 for Child Dinner & Performance, $5 for Performance Only and $10 for To Go Dinner. Contact Mr. Detlefsen at or 559-583-5912 x2551 for tickets.
The Hanford West High Spring Choir Concerts will be at 7 p.m. May 17 and 18 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center. Admission is $5.
The Hanford West High Band Banquet will be at 6 p.m. May 20 at the HW Event Center.
The Hanford High Choirs and Visual Voices will perform Hanford High Goes Hollywood at 7 p.m. May 21 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center. Admission is $7
The Sierra Pacific High Band will present their 2013 Spring Concert at 7 p.m. May 22 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center. Come enjoy selections from the Pink Panther, The Incredibles, Les Miserables and the Dark Night. Admission is free, donations are welcome!
Several HJUHSD groups will also be performing in the Kings County Homecoming Parade May 18.
The Percussion Ensembles from Hanford West High, Hanford High, Woodrow Wilson Jr. High, and John F. Kennedy Jr. High will perform at 7 p.m. May 6 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center. Admission is free, but donations are welcome!
The Hanford High Jazz Band and Concert Band 2013 Spring Concert will be at 7 p.m. May 9 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center. Admission is free, but donations are welcome!
The Sierra Pacific High Jazz Band will host A Night of Jazz May 10 at the SPHS Cafeteria. Ticket includes pasta dinner and performance by the SPHS Jazz Band and Jazz Combo. Tickets are $10 for Adult Dinner & Performance, $6 for Child Dinner & Performance, $5 for Performance Only and $10 for To Go Dinner. Contact Mr. Detlefsen at or 559-583-5912 x2551 for tickets.
The Hanford West High Band Spring Concert will be at 7 p.m. May 16 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center.
The Sierra Pacific High Choirs will host a night of "Chart Toppers" May 16 at the SPHS Cafeteria. Come enjoy some of your favorite songs from the past decades. Ticket includes pasta dinner and performances by the Sierra Pacific Choirs and soloist. Tickets are $10 for Adult Dinner & Performance, $6 for Child Dinner & Performance, $5 for Performance Only and $10 for To Go Dinner. Contact Mr. Detlefsen at or 559-583-5912 x2551 for tickets.
The Hanford West High Spring Choir Concerts will be at 7 p.m. May 17 and 18 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center. Admission is $5.
The Hanford West High Band Banquet will be at 6 p.m. May 20 at the HW Event Center.
The Hanford High Choirs and Visual Voices will perform Hanford High Goes Hollywood at 7 p.m. May 21 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center. Admission is $7
The Sierra Pacific High Band will present their 2013 Spring Concert at 7 p.m. May 22 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center. Come enjoy selections from the Pink Panther, The Incredibles, Les Miserables and the Dark Night. Admission is free, donations are welcome!
Several HJUHSD groups will also be performing in the Kings County Homecoming Parade May 18.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
HHS and SPHS present "Hairspray" May 1-4
The Hanford High School and Sierra Pacific High School Drama Departments proudly present the big musical comedy with a big heart, Hairspray, May 1 through 4 at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center.
Get swept away to the '60s with colorful characters and great music by Marc Shaiman and Scott Whittman. See if Tracy Turnblad can land a spot on the "Corny Collins Show", become an overnight teenage sensation, snag that beau hunk Link Larkin, fight for integration AND win the title of Miss Teenage Hairspray ... all without denting her hairdo.
Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for students. Doors open at 7:30 p.m.; show starts at 8 p.m.
Please note: This musical deals with mature themes such as racial segregation in the 1960s.
Get swept away to the '60s with colorful characters and great music by Marc Shaiman and Scott Whittman. See if Tracy Turnblad can land a spot on the "Corny Collins Show", become an overnight teenage sensation, snag that beau hunk Link Larkin, fight for integration AND win the title of Miss Teenage Hairspray ... all without denting her hairdo.
Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for students. Doors open at 7:30 p.m.; show starts at 8 p.m.
Please note: This musical deals with mature themes such as racial segregation in the 1960s.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
HW Art Camp offers family fun this Saturday
Hanford West High School Art Club will host Art Camp this Saturday, April 20 at the HWHS cafeteria.
Kindergarten through 8th grade students are welcome. The morning session will run from 10 a.m. to noon and the afternoon session will run from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Registration will be available at the door at 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
Family-friendly pricing:
One child: $10
Two Children: $18
Three children: $25
More than 3 children: $8 per child
Groups are welcome! The Art Camp workshops are designed for elementary aged students and will be led by Hanford West Art Club students. Activities will include painting, drawing, games, and other crafts. Proceeds will support the HW Art Club.
For more information, please contact Mr. Brauckman:
Kindergarten through 8th grade students are welcome. The morning session will run from 10 a.m. to noon and the afternoon session will run from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Registration will be available at the door at 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
Family-friendly pricing:
One child: $10
Two Children: $18
Three children: $25
More than 3 children: $8 per child
Groups are welcome! The Art Camp workshops are designed for elementary aged students and will be led by Hanford West Art Club students. Activities will include painting, drawing, games, and other crafts. Proceeds will support the HW Art Club.
For more information, please contact Mr. Brauckman:
Friday, April 5, 2013
CST testing is April 16-19
The State of California and the federal No Child Left Behind Act require all schools to test a minimum of 95% of all students on the CST. Please make sure students are in school on these days by scheduling students appointments outside the school day or on other days.
Students are encouraged to give their best effort on these tests, as the scores are posted to students' official transcripts. Results will be mailed to parents late in the summer.
For more information, please contact your school Testing Secretary.
Friday, March 22, 2013
HJUHSD launches online reporting option for safety concerns and bullying incidents
The number one reason why children do not report bullying or abuse is the fear of retaliation from their peers. The Sprigeo reporting form can be accessed from the privacy of a home computer or other internet equipped device, eliminating the possibility of being identified by another student. Although reports can be sent anonymously, over 90% of students include their name when using the Sprigeo system.
Submitting a report is as easy as 1-2-3.
1. Click on the link.
2. Complete the “SEND A REPORT” form.
3. Submit with the “GO” button.
Students can access the reporting form directly through a link on their school’s website, the District’s website, or they may go to All information sent through the Sprigeo system goes directly to school administrators via a secure online connection. The details are immediately sent to our school administrators in a secure e-mail.
We encourage all students to use this new resource to report bullying and help us maintain a safer learning environment.
Learn more About Sprigeo: Frequently Asked Questions
Visit the HJUHSD Sprigeo Online Reporting Pages:
- Hanford High School Sprigeo
- Hanford West High School Sprigeo
- Sierra Pacific High School Sprigeo
- Earl F. Johnson High School Sprigeo
- Hanford Joint Union High School District (all schools) Sprigeo
Como un Distrito, rreconocemos que la creación de un ambiente de aprendizaje seguro es una parte fundamental de ayudar a cada niño alcanzar el éxito académico. Con esta sabe dura, introducimos Sprigeo, un nuevo sistema en lÃnea que los estudiantes pueden utilizar para reportar incidentes de intimidación y amenazas de seguridad escolar. Sprigeo le dará a su hijo de otro medio para comunicarse con nuestra administración escolar cuando ocurren incidentes de intimidación o de seguridad escolar.
La razón número uno por qué los niños no denuncian el acoso o el abuso es el miedo a las represalias de sus compañeros. La forma de reportar con Sprigeo se puede acceder por una computadora personal en el hogar o dispositivo de Internet equipado, eliminando la posibilidad de ser identificado por otros estudiantes. Aunque los reportes pueden ser enviados de forma anónima, más de 90% de los estudiantes incluyen su nombre cuando utilizan el sistema de Sprigeo.
Someter un reporte es tan fácil como el 1-2-3.
1. Haga clic en el enlace.
2. Complete la forma “ENVIAR UN INFORME”.
3. Somete con el botón “GO”.
Someter un reporte es tan fácil como el 1-2-3.
1. Haga clic en el enlace.
2. Complete la forma “ENVIAR UN INFORME”.
3. Somete con el botón “GO”.
Estudiantes pueden acceder al formulario de informes directamente a través de un enlace ubicado en la página del Internet de su escuela, la página del Internet del Distrito, o pueden ir a Toda la información enviada a través del sistema Sprigeo va directamente a los administradores de la escuela a través de una conexión en lÃnea segura. Los detalles se envÃan inmediatamente a la administración escolar por un correo electrónico.
Los animamos a todos los estudiantes que utilicen este recurso Nuevo para reportar intimidación o amenazas de seguridad escolar y ayúdenos en mantener un ambiente seguro de aprendizaje.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Logo Drawing Contest
KCBH has launched an education and leadership campaign called “Promise”. The promise conveyed is an agreement between merchants, parents, and students to not participate in or enable underage drinking. The logo should symbolize this commitment by all parties involved.
Winners will receive:
- 1st place – Winning Logo adopted for the Campaign & a Apple I Pad
- 2nd place- Dre Beats Headphones
- 3rd place- IPod Touch
- Top 12 Logos- Showcased in a 2014 Promise Campaign Calendar
The following points need to be communicated in your design:
- A “Promise” or Commitment
- Merchants, Parents and Students
- Underage Drinking is harmful
The contest will run March 15 through 5 p.m. April 15.
To enter, send or hand-deliver a color hardcopy with the entry form to:
Promise Campaign Logo Contest
450 Kings County Dr., Suite 104
Hanford, CA 93230
OR in an electronic form to:
in one of the following formats only: jpeg, gif, tiff, png, or pdf.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Hanford seniors still need more than 50 community volunteers to serve as discussion leaders for the annual HJUHSD Senior Ethics Workshop April 16, 18 and 19.
The Senior Ethics Workshops are designed to help our young adults think about their decisions and actions and to help them make good choices in their lives.
Ethics Table Leaders help guide small groups of students through a series of structured activities and conversations.
The program is designed to prompt students to think about what is important to them, how and why they make decisions, and the consequences of those decisions. The heart of the program is the interaction between community volunteers and the students at their tables as they discuss real-world scenarios and dilemmas designed to challenge their thinking.
The workshops will be 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. April 16, 18 and 19 at Koinonia Hall in Hanford.
New Table Leaders are encouraged (and returning volunteers are always welcome) to attend an orientation session April 10 at the HJUHSD District Office (823 W. Lacey Blvd., Hanford), but it is not mandatory.
To register as a Table Leader for 1, 2, or all 3 of the workshops, please complete the Table Leader Registration Form. If you have any questions, please email:
Monday, March 4, 2013
State exit exam is March 12 and 13
HJUHSD students will take the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) March 12 and 13.
The CAHSEE is a state-mandated graduation requirement for all students. All sophomores, juniors and seniors who have not already passed it will take the test. It is very important that all students are present and prepared to give their best efforts.
As always, we encourage students to be at school on time, well-rested, and with a good breakfast and ask that you schedule any appointments outside of the school day.
If you have any questions about the CAHSEE test or schedule, please contact your school testing secretary.
The CAHSEE is a state-mandated graduation requirement for all students. All sophomores, juniors and seniors who have not already passed it will take the test. It is very important that all students are present and prepared to give their best efforts.
As always, we encourage students to be at school on time, well-rested, and with a good breakfast and ask that you schedule any appointments outside of the school day.
If you have any questions about the CAHSEE test or schedule, please contact your school testing secretary.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Board approves 2013-2014 Calendar
The HJUHSD Board has approved the 2013-2014 Calendar. The 2013 school year will start on August 15 and run through June 6.
Click here to view the full calendar of school holidays and key dates.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
HJUHSD basketball teams advance to playoffs
Congratulations to the HJUHSD girls and boys basketball teams for making it to the CIF Semifinal Playoff games!
Tuesday, Feb. 26
Girls Basketball Hanford West vs. Tehachapi
HW Event Center
Game time 7 p.m., Doors open at 5:45 p.m.
$6 for Adults; $5 Students w/ ASB cards and Seniors
Tuesday, Feb 26
Girls Basketball Hanford High at Clovis West
Game time 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 27
Boys Basketball Hanford West vs. Hanford High
HW Event Center
Game time 7 p.m., Doors open at 5:30 p.m.
$6 for Adults; $5 Students w/ ASB cards and Seniors
Tickets will be on sale Tuesday from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Event Center concession stand.
Tuesday, Feb. 26
Girls Basketball Hanford West vs. Tehachapi
HW Event Center
Game time 7 p.m., Doors open at 5:45 p.m.
$6 for Adults; $5 Students w/ ASB cards and Seniors
Tuesday, Feb 26
Girls Basketball Hanford High at Clovis West
Game time 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 27
Boys Basketball Hanford West vs. Hanford High
HW Event Center
Game time 7 p.m., Doors open at 5:30 p.m.
$6 for Adults; $5 Students w/ ASB cards and Seniors
Tickets will be on sale Tuesday from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Event Center concession stand.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Safety Alert: HWHS lockdown today
At lunchtime today, there was a situation involving unauthorized non-students on the Hanford West High School campus. As a result, lunchtime was shortened, students were guided by staff into classrooms, and the school went on a lockdown as a safety precaution. Shortly after the lockdown began, the incident was resolved and the lockdown was lifted.
Specifically, detainees from a nearby juvenile facility entered the Hanford West campus. Law enforcement officers arrested the individuals within a few minutes, but reported that another detainee might still have been in the area near the school. The principal ordered the schoolwide lockdown as a safety precaution, in keeping with school security procedures. The lockdown was lifted a few minutes later when law enforcement officials reported that the person was apprehended off campus and was in custody.
All Hanford West students and staff are safe and the school day is proceeding as usual.
Specifically, detainees from a nearby juvenile facility entered the Hanford West campus. Law enforcement officers arrested the individuals within a few minutes, but reported that another detainee might still have been in the area near the school. The principal ordered the schoolwide lockdown as a safety precaution, in keeping with school security procedures. The lockdown was lifted a few minutes later when law enforcement officials reported that the person was apprehended off campus and was in custody.
All Hanford West students and staff are safe and the school day is proceeding as usual.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Community leaders needed for April ethics workshops
More than 50 community volunteers are needed as Table Leaders for the annual HJUHSD Senior Ethics Workshop April 16, 18 and 19.
The Senior Ethics Workshops are designed to help young adults think about their decisions and actions and to help them make good choices in their lives.
Table Leaders help guide small groups of students through a series of structured activities and conversations. The program is designed to prompt students to think about what is important to them, how and why they make decisions, and the consequences of those decisions. The heart of the program is the interaction between community leaders and the half-dozen students at their tables as they discuss real-world scenarios and dilemmas designed to challenge their thinking.
"The business and community leaders who volunteer for this program are the key to its success. We could not offer these without the support of community members who also believe in its value," said Superintendent William Fishbough. "As educators – and as a community – it is our job to help our students become well-rounded adults. This means helping to develop their character as well as their intellect."
The workshops will be 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. April 16, 18 and 19 at Koinonia Hall in Hanford.
New Table Leaders are encouraged (and returning volunteers are always welcome) to attend an orientation session April 10 at the HJUHSD District Office (823 W. Lacey Blvd., Hanford), but it is not mandatory.
To register as a Table Leader for 1, 2, or all 3 of the workshops, please complete the Table Leader Registration Form. If you have any questions, please email:
The Senior Ethics Workshops are designed to help young adults think about their decisions and actions and to help them make good choices in their lives.
Table Leaders help guide small groups of students through a series of structured activities and conversations. The program is designed to prompt students to think about what is important to them, how and why they make decisions, and the consequences of those decisions. The heart of the program is the interaction between community leaders and the half-dozen students at their tables as they discuss real-world scenarios and dilemmas designed to challenge their thinking.
"The business and community leaders who volunteer for this program are the key to its success. We could not offer these without the support of community members who also believe in its value," said Superintendent William Fishbough. "As educators – and as a community – it is our job to help our students become well-rounded adults. This means helping to develop their character as well as their intellect."
The workshops will be 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. April 16, 18 and 19 at Koinonia Hall in Hanford.
New Table Leaders are encouraged (and returning volunteers are always welcome) to attend an orientation session April 10 at the HJUHSD District Office (823 W. Lacey Blvd., Hanford), but it is not mandatory.
To register as a Table Leader for 1, 2, or all 3 of the workshops, please complete the Table Leader Registration Form. If you have any questions, please email:
Friday, February 8, 2013
Golden Bears bring home Decathlon medals
The Sierra Pacific High School Academic Decathlon team brought home more than a half-dozen medals from the two-day regional competition earlier this month:
- Third place in Honors division in Mathematics: Miguel Lepiz and Jason Martins (tie)
- Second place in Scholastic division in Music: Israel Lepiz
- Second place in Honors division in Essay: Mehtab Boparai
- First place in Honors division in Interview: Praveen Wickremasinghe
- First place in Honors division in Mathematics: Mehtab Boparai
- First place in Honors division in Music, with the highest score of all decathletes in the subject, earning an $125 scholarship: Mehtab Boparai
- Overall SPHS decathlete, being the top scorer of all Golden Bears competing, earning a $250 scholarship: Mehtab Boparai
Decathletes are required to learn materials in ten
subjects on one central theme. This year's theme was Russia. The students competed in: art, economics, language
and literature, mathematics, music, science, and social science. They
also wrote an essay, gave an interview, and delivered two speeches, one
prepared and one impromptu. The students compete in division based on
their grade point averages earned in academic courses in the previous two years. The
divisions are Honors (4.00-3.75), Scholastic (3.74-3.00), and Varsity
Congratulations to SPHS AD Coach, Brian Dull and his team: Mehr Bopaprai, Mehtab Boparai, Celeste Gil, Israel
Lepiz, Miguel Lepiz, Jason Martins, Praveen Wickremasinghe.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Congratulations HW Skills USA Medal Winners!
Congratulations to the Hanford West Skills USA students who competed last weekend at Delta College in Stockton. HW took 33 kids and came
home with 17 medals! These students are all headed to San Diego in
April for the California State Competition.
Commercial Baking
GOLD: Carmel Peichoto
SILVER: Jhorien Osana
BRONZE: Shanna Romero
Culinary Arts
GOLD: Hoang Nguyen
SILVER: Auora Oberst
BRONZE: Nallely Perez
Restaurant Service
GOLD: Megan Shakespeare
Related Technicnal Math
GOLD: Justin Abad
SILVER: Sydney Cantu
Precision Machining 1
GOLD: Cody Laningham
SILVER: Tny Caetano
Precision Machining 2
GOLD: Tyler Weed
Welding, TIG
GOLD: Sergio Mendoza-Medel
SILVER: Robert Zulim
BRONZE: Huy Tran
Early Childhood Education
GOLD: Daisy Lee
SILVER: Lorena Trejo

Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Flu Prevention Tips
Help prevent the spread of the seasonal flu by practicing the following tips not just during flu season, but all the time:
Visit the CDC Website for more information about Seasonal Influenza
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Remember to cover coughs or sneezes using the inside of your elbow instead of your hands when a tissue is not available.
- Wash your hands regularly: Plan ahead to make sure you have easy access to the supplies you need to practice good hand hygiene (soap and water or alcohol-based hand cleaners) and wash your hands often.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
- If you get sick, stay home: People with flu-like symptoms should stay at home until at least 24 hours after they no longer have a fever or signs of flu (without fever-reducing medicine).
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfcases and items such as door knobs, school desks, keyboards, pens, etc.
- People who are pregnant or have health conditions that put them at higher risk for complications should see a doctor as soon as possible if flu-like symptoms develop.
Visit the CDC Website for more information about Seasonal Influenza
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Message from the Superintendent: School Visitors
As part of our continuing efforts to maintain and safe and secure campuses, HJUHSD campuses will begin stricter visitor check-in processes at all of our schools this semester.
All campus visitors are already required to check in at the school office during regular school hours. Beginning next week, visitors will be asked to provide a valid legal identification, such as a driver's license, in exchange for a Visitor's Pass before they can access other areas of the campus. Visitors will be escorted to their destination and then escorted back to the office, where their identification will be returned to them.
These stricter procedures, combined with other measures to ensure campus security through the day, are part of our ongoing efforts to continue to safeguard our students and we appreciate your cooperation.
Thank you for your support of our schools. I wish all of our students and families a safe and productive semester.
Bill Fishbough
All campus visitors are already required to check in at the school office during regular school hours. Beginning next week, visitors will be asked to provide a valid legal identification, such as a driver's license, in exchange for a Visitor's Pass before they can access other areas of the campus. Visitors will be escorted to their destination and then escorted back to the office, where their identification will be returned to them.
These stricter procedures, combined with other measures to ensure campus security through the day, are part of our ongoing efforts to continue to safeguard our students and we appreciate your cooperation.
Thank you for your support of our schools. I wish all of our students and families a safe and productive semester.
Bill Fishbough
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
SPHS to host Cash for College/FAFSA Workshops
The Sierra Pacific Career Center will offer two evening workshops for students and parents/guardians to learn about and apply for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
SP students and families can also attend two alternate evening workshops offered by the Hanford West Career Center.
The workshops will be “Cash for College” events, where all seniors attending and submitting their applications that night will be eligible to win a $1,000 scholarship.
Workshop 1:
Tuesday, January 22
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Sierra Pacific High School
1259 13th Avenue, Hanford, CA 93230
Career Center, Room 306
Hosted by SPHS and College of the Sequoias
Workshop 2:
Tuesday, February 5
6 pm to 8 pm
Sierra Pacific High School
1259 13th Avenue, Hanford, CA 93230
Career Center, Room 306 Hosted by SPHS and West Hills College
Alternate Workshop 1:
Thursday, January 31
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Hanford West High School
1150 Lacey Boulevard, Hanford, CA 93230
Career Center Room 802
Hosted by HWHS and West Hills College
Alternate Workshop 2:
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Thursday, February 28
Hanford West High School
1150 Lacey Boulevard, Hanford, CA 93230
Career Center Room 802
Hosted by HWHS and West Hills College
Please contact the SP Career Center at 559.583.5912, ext. 2306 or HW Career Center at 559.583.5903, ext. 6027 for more information.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Back to School! Semester begins Jan. 14
The new semester brings new activities, including new academic challenges, spring sports and events, state testing, and even registration for classes for the next school year. Remember, daily attendance is a key factor in student success: All students should be at school on time and ready to work and, whenever possible, appointments should be made outside of the school day, to avoid missed class time.
We hope that all of our students, staff and families had a fun and relaxing Winter Break and we look forward to seeing you all Monday!
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