6:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 13
Hanford West High School Cafeteria
Full implementation of the new state funding formula will take several years, but school districts all over the state are beginning the process now with the development of their Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP).
With input from local families and community members, HJUHSD will create a three-year LCAP that will be adopted by the Board of Trustees by June 30, 2014. The LCAP will be based on local student needs and will serve as a roadmap of academic priorities, driving the District’s annual spending plans. It will identify annual academic goals and specific actions for implementing those goals and will identify methods of measuring student progress based on performance indicators set by the State.
This first planning meeting will be an opportunity for parents and other stakeholders to learn more about the LCFF and LCAP process and how to be a part of it. Parents, students, staff and other community members are a vital requirement of the development of the LCAP. HJUHSD needs input from all of its stakeholders as to what academic goals would be the most effective in helping all of our students meet the State priorities.
In addition to this initial informational meeting, community members will be invited to provide input in a series of future meetings, AND the District has created an online survey that all school stakeholders are invited to complete. The results of the survey and other community input will be shared via the HJUHSD Website, as will the final LCAP that will be presented to the Board for approval.
Take the HJUHSD LCFF/LCAP Survey now
Additional information about the LCFF and LCAP is also available on the California Department of Education Website: Local Control Funding Formula and at the HJUHSD LCAP FAQ
For more information about LCFF or LCAP or about the March 13 LCAP Meeting, please contact: Bobby Peters, Coordinator of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment at bpeters@hjuhsd.org