Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Parent Survey 2016

HJUHSD wants to hear from you!

Hanford Joint Union High School Parents: A few minutes of your time will help our schools and students greatly.

Please take a few minutes to complete the HJUHSD 2016 Online Parent Survey for parents/guardians of current students regarding your experience with Hanford High School, Hanford West High High School, Sierra Pacific High School, Earl F. Johnson High School and/or Hanford Night Continuation High School.

We appreciate your honest feedback: Our successful partnership in your student’s education depends on clear communication. The survey is anonymous. Names and IP addresses will not be collected, and your responses cannot and will not affect your student.

Take the 2016 Online HJUHSD Parent Survey now

The annual Parent Survey is a tool to help our schools can hear directly from families on a host of issues. This survey is also part of the Western Association of School and Colleges (WASC) accreditation process as well as assisting HJUHSD in developing the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).

Thank you for your assistance with this. Questions: Please contact Bobby Peters, Director of Educational Services, at bpeters@hjuhsd.org or 5559-583-5901, extension 3105.


Encuesta para Padres y Tutores

Por favor tómese unos minutos para completar la HJUHSD 2016 Encuesta de Padres en línea para padres / tutores de los estudiantes actuales.

 Esta encuesta es una oportunidad para que usted ayude a nuestras escuelas al compartir sus opiniones acerca de ellos. Sus opiniones son importantes y la escuela está interesado en escucharlos . Estamos particularmente interesados ​​en sus pensamientos sobre los esfuerzos de esta escuela para promover el éxito académico y el bienestar para todos los estudiantes, aparte de su raza, origen étnico, discapacidad, u otras características. Apreciamos sus opiniones honestas. Sus respuestas serán completamente privado.

Tome la Encuestra para Padres y Tutores ahora.