Thursday, August 24, 2017

Nurse's Note: Back to School

Nurse’s Note

Dear Parents and Students,
I’m looking forward to serving and getting to know your students. It is my goal to provide health services and to educate your students with health and wellness information. Healthy children can learn better in a safe and nurturing environment. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns regarding your child’s health. Please provide me with information and documentation, so that I can easily relay information and education to their teachers. I am here to assist your students with any health concerns and to provide a proper health care plan for your child’s health condition. Please utilize me as a resource if you have any questions on where or how your child can receive health care services.
If you have a concern regarding to your child’s hearing or vision, please contact me as I am able to perform a quick hearing or vision screening. I can refer your student to obtain further evaluation. Please know that any information and documentation you provide or any contact I have with your student is confidential.
I wish you and your students a healthy school year. Please contact me with any further questions or concerns.  
Somjai Cochran, RN, PHN/HJUHSD District Nurse
559-583-5902 ext. 4038
Fax: 559-583-5946


All student medication-prescription and non- prescription will require a doctor’s note. Most medications will be stored in the nursing office. With the parent’s permission and with clear doctor’s instruction, students may be given medication by a school employee:

  • A new school medication in school form is required each school year. You can pick up the form at the nurse office or download it from the district website.
  • If your child needs to have medication kept at school, please have your child’s physician fill out the Medication in School Form.
  • Please bring the doctor’s written order and properly labeled medication to your child’s school site.  
  • Medication must be delivered to the school in its original container/label. Prescription labels must include the student’s name, doctor’s name, correct medication and dosage, and clear instructions.
  • Please let the Health Office Staff know if your child has any health concerns.  We love and care about our students and would like to have a plan of care in place for your child.

***Please remember students can only be allowed to self-carry and self-administer emergency medications (inhaler, glucagon, EpiPen), if the school is provided with Medication in School Form. Failure to properly follow directions or endanger self or others will result in a loss of this privilege***


  • Polio: 4 doses (3 doses OK, if one was given on or after the 2nd birthday)
  • Dtap: 4 doses (3 doses OK, if last one was given on or after the 2nd birthday. At least one dose must be Tdap Or DTaP/DTP given on or after 7th birthday for all 7th-12 graders).
  • MMR: 2 doses
  • Hepatitis B: 3 doses
  • Varicella: 2 doses for age 13-17 years
  • Tdap Booster: 1 dose


Meningococcal (MCV 4)

  • It is a serious illness caused by bacteria that can infect the blood or areas around the brain and spinal cord.  Infection can lead to brain damage, disability, and rapid death
  • It is the most common form of meningococcal disease. Common symptoms of meningitis include stiff neck, headache, and high fever
  • Meningococcal Vaccines can help prevent meningococcal disease

***College freshman in dorms are at higher risk of catching meningococcal disease***

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
  • Is the most common sexually transmitted infection HPV is so common that nearly all sexually active men and women get it at some point in their lives
  • HPV can be passed even when an infected person has no signs or symptoms
  • You also can develop symptoms years after you are infected
  • HPV can cause cervical and other cancers, such as oropharyngeal cancer, cancer of genital areas, etc.
  • There are vaccines that can stop these health problems from happening

*Check with your healthcare provider about which MCV4 vaccines and HPV vaccines your child needs*
WHY YOUR CHILD NEEDS SHOTS: The California School Immunization Law requires that children be up to date on their immunizations (shots) to attend school. Diseases like measles spread quickly, so children need to be protected before they enter. California schools are required to check immunization records for all new student admissions at Kindergarten or Transitional Kindergarten through 12th grade and all students advancing to 7th grade before entry.
THE LAW: Health and Safety Code, Division 105, Part 2, Chapter 1, Sections 120325-120380; California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Division 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter 8, Sections 6000-6075
WHAT YOU WILL NEED FOR ADMISSION: To attend school, your child’s Immunization Record must meet the requirements. If you do not have an Immunization Record, or your child has not received all required shots, call your doctor now for an appointment.
If a licensed physician determines a vaccine should not be given to your child because of medical reasons, submit a written statement from the physician for a medical exemption for the missing shot(s), including the duration of the medical exemption. A personal beliefs exemption is no longer an option for entry into school; however, a valid personal beliefs exemption filed with a school before January 1, 2016 is valid until entry into the next grade span (7th through 12th grade). Valid personal beliefs exemptions may be transferred between schools in California. You must also submit an immunization record for all required shots not exempted. Questions? Visit or contact your local health department.

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests these three questions to know whether your child should stay home from school:
  • Does your child have a fever?
  • Is your child well enough to engage in class?
  • Do you think your child has a contagious illness, such as pink eye or the flu?
When should students stay home from school?

  • Fevers of 101° F or higher, Diarrhea and Vomiting. These are ways of the body to rid itself of germs, infections and viruses that make the body sick. Wait until children are fever-free before letting them return to school. Keep your child home until symptoms subside and make sure to keep your child well-hydrated. Keep children home when they’ve vomited at least twice in 24 hours. They can return to school when they are symptom free or your doctor says they’re no longer contagious
  • Severe cough and cold symptoms could be a sign of a contagious illness like viral bronchitis and whooping cough. Students should stay home.·         
  • Sore throats, Pink eye and Rashes. Sore throats can be another symptom of the common cold, or strep throat. If your child has been diagnosed with strep throat or pink eye, keep your child at home for at least 24 hours after starting treatment. Rashes could be a symptom of chickenpox or impetigo, which are contagious. Children should be kept home until diagnosed. They can return when they are symptom free and cleared from a doctor.