Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Nurse's Note: School's Out for Summer!

Somjai Cochran, RN, BSN, PHN
559-583-5902 ext. 4038

As many of you know summer is approaching. That means flip flop, bathing suit and sun exposure. Your skin is exposed to the sun when you spend time outside such as walking to the school, swimming, or outdoor camping. The sun has ultraviolet (UV) rays that can harm your skin. Sun exposure during your teen years can lead to greater risk for serious complications as an adult, such as eye problems, skin damage, skin cancer, etc. Please remember to pay more attention to your personal hygiene. You sweat more during the summer and may cause more body odors. Good personal hygiene is one of the most important aspects of maintaining good health.


  • Wear a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF of 15 or higher every day. 
  • Use water resistant sunscreen when exposed to water (water reduces sunscreen protection) 
  • Limit sun exposure during certain times of the day (The most UV rays is b/w 10 am - 2 pm) 
  • Wear protective coverings such as hat, long sleeve cotton shirt, sunglasses, etc. 
  •  Seek shade


  • Do not apply sunscreen on babies 6 months old or younger Keeping babies covered and in shade is best 
  • Check your skin head-to-toe each month, paying careful attention to any suspicious growths Seek medical evaluation if you have abnormal skin appearance 
  • Consider the risks of using a tanning bed. The light in a tanning bed can be more intense and harmful than the sun. Some states have laws that do not allow children under the age of 18 to use a tanning bed



  • Set an example - Leading by a good example is often the best teacher. Your child watches how you treat your own skin, hair, nails, lips and teeth. 
  • Make good hygiene a responsibility -- start teaching them a routine and responsibility of body care at an early age will carry into the teen years and adulthood 
  • Get some professional backup. If you're having trouble getting through to your teen about a particular hygiene issue, make the pediatrician an ally 
  • Supply nice-smelling soap, shampoo, etc. to encourage cleanliness and make bath time something to look forward to.


  • Brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day 
  •  Wash your body daily - carefully dry five body zones (feet, face, hands, armpits and bottom) and use deodorant 
  • Wash your face at least twice a day and wash your hair regularly – oily face and hair can clog up your facial pores and cause pimples 
  • Remember to scrub under your fingernails. 
  •  Wash the area between your legs 
  •  Wear clean clothes, socks, and underpants. 
  • Put on shoes that have aired out overnight (or longer). 
  • If you are thinking about removing body hair, make that choice carefully. Before shaving, waxing or plucking, discuss with your parents 
  • Don’t share personal items (toothbrush, hairbrush, washcloth, towel, cup and razor) with other people
**Eating healthy food + get at least 8 hours of sleep + exercise + good hygiene = GOOD HEALTH**


As the school year is coming to a close, please remember the following in regard to your child’s medication at school:
  • Pick up all remaining medication in the nurse’s office on the last day of school. Leftover medication cannot be maintained over the summer and will be disposed 
  • If your child needs to have medication kept at school, please have your child’s physician fill out the Medication in School Form A new school medication form is required each school year. You can pick up the form at the nurse office or download it from the district’s website 
  • Before school starts in August, please bring the updated medication order and properly labeled medication to your child’s school site or to walk-thru registration 
  • Please let the Health Office Staff know if your child has any health concerns. We love and care about our students and would like to have a plan of care in place for your child. 
***Please remember students can only be allowed to self-carry and self-administer emergency medications (such as inhaler, glucagon, EpiPen, solu-cortef), if the school is provided with Medication in School Form. Failure to properly follow directions or endanger self or others will result in a loss of this privilege***

  • Polio: 4 doses (3 doses is ok, if last one was given on or after the 4th birthday) 
  • Dtap: 5 doses (4 doses meet requirement, if last one was given on or after the 4th birthday) 
  • MMR: 2 doses Hepatitis B: 3 doses Varicella: 2 dose Tdap Booster: 1 dose


  • Meningococcal (MCV 4) is a serious illness caused by bacteria that can infect the blood or areas around the brain and spinal cord. Infection can lead to brain damage, disability, and rapid death It is the most common form of meningococcal disease. Common symptoms of meningitis include stiff neck, headache, and high fever Meningococcal Vaccines can help prevent meningococcal disease ***College freshman in dorms are at higher risk of catching meningococcal disease*** 
  • Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Is the most common sexually transmitted infection HPV is so common that nearly all sexually active men and women get it at some point in their lives HPV can be passed even when an infected person has no signs or symptoms You also can develop symptoms years after you are infected HPV can cause cervical and other cancers, such as oropharyngeal cancer, cancer of genital areas, etc. There are vaccines that can stop these health problems from happening *Check with your health care provider about which MCV4 vaccines and HPV vaccines your child needs* 
  • College immunization checklist Make sure your child is up-to-date for the requirement. Some of these are recommended and others are required for enrollment. Check with your child’s college: 
    • MMR - 2 doses Tdap - 1 dose Varicella – 2 doses Hepatitis B - 3 doses HPV (recommended) – 3 doses MCV4 (recommended) – check with your child’s doctor