The show, hosted by Arte Americas, will be from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. March 20 with awards and recognitions at 2 p.m., at Arte Americas, 1630 Van Ness, Fresno (across from the former Fresno Metropolitan Museum). Art activities and refreshments will be provided.
The show will include 32 pieces of art created by Hanford West High School students and 14 from Hanford High School, including the following award-winning entries:
From Hanford West:
Amy Chin - 1st place for a scratchart with watercolor overlay
Alyana Manson - 2nd place for her charcoal self-portrait
Bri Hauser - 3rd place for her triptych oil paintings
Bri Hauser - 2nd place for her Van Gogh studio (3-D)
From Hanford High:
Shannel Blinn - 1st place in 3-D
Valerie Lira - 3rd Place in 3-D
Additional information about the show is available by contacting Cheryl Schellenberg at 559-281-7881 or at