This show is a Western comedy about a young actor, Clarence, and his acting troupe on a journey to Nevada. Clarence makes the trek to inherit a saloon left to him by his late Aunt Iva Fortune (get it? Iva Fortune?). He soon comes to realize that it’s not a saloon, but a ladies’ salon he has inherited! Unfortunately, men could not manage salons in those frontier days so Clarence and his talented group of friends must devise a plan. Come and see how these men manage to pull off the deception in dresses! We hope to see many of you there in the audience to support our great theatre program.
The HHS Drama Club will also attend the Drama Teachers Association of Southern California Festival Competition in Central Los Angeles October 30. Seven drama students will be competing at Central Los Angeles High School in both performance and technical categories.
Important Fall Dates for HHS Drama:
10/7-10/9 Taming of the Wild Wild West in a Dress (7pm in the PC)
10/28 Drama club meeting in room 409- Costume themed potluck
10/29-10/30 DTASC (overnight trip to Los Angeles, all day festival Saturday)
11/10 Beauty and the Beast @ Saroyan Theatre in Fresno (7:30pm)
12/2 CSU Fresno Scholarship Festival (all day seniors only)
Please call 583-5902 ext. 8495 or email for information about any of our fall events. We are always looking for parent volunteers, chaperones, or donation of props, costumes or lumber.