Hanford High School will host Rachel’s Challenge on October 18.
During the school day, students will attend an assembly where they will hear the incredible story of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School tragedy. Rachel left behind an amazing legacy and a simple challenge to anyone who will accept it – treat others with kindness and compassion and you just may change the world you live in.
After the student assemblies, HHS student leaders will receive special, in-depth training to better understand how they can make a difference in their school and community.
As a wrap-up of the day’s events, parents and community members are invited to attend a similar presentation at 7 p.m. at the Stratton L. Tarvin Presentation Center to hear Rachel's story and learn how they can help create a positive school and community environment.
The student leaders at Hanford high School are excited to bring this event to Hanford and we hope that this opportunity may “start a chain reaction” of kindness and compassion in our community.