This bizarre musical satirizes science fiction and horror films of the 1960’s and is influenced by the 1960’s Motown and Doo Wop music. The musical’s protagonist, Seymour Krelborn, is a hapless worker at Mrs. Mushnik’s Skid Row Florist Shop. By chance, Seymour stumbles upon a strange and interesting plant that he names Audrey II. Seymour’s strange and interesting new plant is just what Mushnik’s Skid Row Florist Shop needs to keep the Floral Shop in business. Overnight, Seymour finds success, fame and money. Most importantly, Seymour finds a way into the heart of his unrequited love, Audrey, his co-worker at the Floral Shop.But, to Seymour’s chagrin, he must come up with a peculiar way to feed Audrey II, which wilts and dies if not fed ... human blood! Will Seymour get the girl? Will he give in to temptation and feed Audrey II? Will Seymour risk losing the girl and destroying everything he hoped for? Come and see what Hanford High Drama has in store!
Stratton Tarvin Presentation Center
Hanford High School
120 E. Grangeville Blvd
Hanford Ca. 93230
7 p.m.. May 5-7
Ticket Prices: $8 Students and Senior Citizens, $10 Adults
Contact: Bianca Ankrum at or 583-5902 ext. 8495
*Not recommended for children under the age of 10.